

灯饰 [[dēng shì]]


decorative lighting



文法上 1.切忌主客不分或模糊. 例子: Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report was updated to include $40,000 for new equipment.” 应改为 Deciding to rescind our earlier estimate, we have updated our report to include $40,000 for new equipment. (We决定呀, 不是report.) 2.句子不要凌碎. 例子: He decided not to audit the last ten contracts. Because of our previous objections about compliance. 应该连在一起. 3.结构对称,令人容易理解. 例子: The owner questioned the occupant's lease intentions and the fact that the contract had been altered with ink markings. 应改为: The owner questioned the occupant's lease intentions and ink alterations of the contract. 4.单众数不要搞乱,不然会好刺眼,看不舒服. 例如: An authorized person must show that they have security clearance. 5.动词主词要呼应. 想想这两个分别: 1.This is one of the public-relations functions that is underbudgeted. 2. This is one of the public-relations functions, which are underbudgeted. 6.时态和语气不要转变太多.看商务英语已经是苦事,不要浪费人家的精力啊. 7.标点要准确. 例如: He did not make repairs, however, he continued to monitor the equipment. 改为: He did not make repairs; however, he continued to monitor the equipment. 8.选词正确. 好像affect和effect, operative和operational等等就要弄清楚才好用啦. 9.拼字正确. 有电脑拼字检查功能后,就更加不能偷懒. 10.大小写要注意.非必要不要整个字都是大写,除非要骂人,:,例如: MUST change to OS immediately. 外国人就觉得不礼貌和喝令人一样. 要强调的话,用底线,斜字,粗体就可以了.

文体上 1.可读性.对象是大学程度的话,用高中的英文就行,不要以为人人都是语言大师.多用短句(15-20字吧), 技术性的字,就更加要简单易明. 2.注意段落的开头.一般来说,重要或强调的事情都放在信件或段落的开头,而句子就放在最尾. 例如: 1.Because he was unable to attend the meeting personally, he forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape. 2.He forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape because he was unable to attend the meeting personally. 两者强调的事情就有分别了. 3.轻重有分. 同等重要的用and来连接,较轻放在次要的句子里. 4.意思转接词要留神. 例如: but (相反), therefore (结论), also (增添), for example (阐明). 分不清furthermore和moreover就不要用啦. 5.句子开头不要含糊不清的主词. 例子: These decisions have been a big disappointment to the committee members. They have delayed further action. They是指什么呀????开头少用this, that, it, they, 或 which. 6.修饰词的位置要小心,例如: He could only reimburse the cost after July 15. 应为 He could reimburse the cost only after July 15. 7.用语要肯定准确.切忌含糊. 例如:The figures show a significant increase.” 怎样significant呀,大哥? 改为: The figures show an increase of 19%. 8.立场观点一致. 少用被动语. 例如: Partial data should be submitted by April. 改为: You should submit partial data by April.就很好了.

格调上 1.式样和句子长度不要太单调. 千篇一律的subject-verb-object会闷死人的.有时短句跟着长句可以化解一下. 2.弱软的词(e.g. was, were, is, are...)可以加强一点. 例如: Prunton products are highly effective in ... 改为: Prunton products excel in ...就有力很多了. 3.亲切,口语化是比较受欢迎! 用宾词和主动的词,让人家受落. 例如: 1. This information will be sincerely appreciated.” 2. We sincerely appreciate your information. 明显地,我们会喜欢第2句.

写信提示 1.人家的名字千万不要错.老一辈的看到名字错就干脆撵去垃圾桶. 同样, 头衔都不要错. 头衔或学位,任择其一吧.以下是一样的: Howard E. Wyatt, D.D.SPhD. Dr. Howard E. Hyatt 2.多过一个男人,用Messrs,就是Misters的意思,不过不要跟名字,跟姓就行啦.例如: Messrs. Smith, Wyatt, and Fury 女人呢? 用Mesdames, Mmes., or Mses. 同样不要跟名字. 例子: Mses. Farb, Lionel, and Gray 男女一齐呢? 弄清楚称呼就行.例如: Dr. and Mrs. Harold Wright Mr. Harold Wright and Dr. Margaret Wright Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams-Quinn 3.有人有自己头衔就要跟紧,例如有人有荣誉学位就不喜欢用一般的头衔啊~有时大头不知道对方头衔,干脆用Ms.算了. Ms. Sarah Gray 4.地址要低日期至少两行.处名时,职衔短可以一行过,长就下一行吧.例如: Ken Green, President Ken Green Vice President of International Operations 但这个就显得有点。。。: Ken Green Vice President of Unicom China 正确应为: Ken Green Vice President, Unicom China 5.老外的名字有时有Jr. 或 Sr.,之前的逗点是随你喜欢的,以下都是正确,不要笑人: Michael J. Smith, Jr. Michael J. Smith Sr. 6.外国国名尽量用大写.是为尊重,也方便邮差叔叔. 7.地址上的数字直接用阿拉伯数字吧,除了One,例子: 127 Ninth Avenue, North 127 E. 15 Street 5 Park Avenue One Wingren Plaza

灯饰 英语

灯 lamp

昂莱灯具 onlla lamp

灯具效率 luminaire efficiency ; lamp's Efficiency ; Lamp Efficiency ; Power efficiency

装饰灯具 Decorative lighting

灯具间距 spacing of luminaire

类灯具 Class I luminaire

灯具配件 lamp fittings ; Luminaire ; Light Fittings ; Lamp Accessories

路灯具 road lighting lantern

照明灯具 Lighting ; Lighting Fixtures ; Illumination ; lamps and lanterns

灯具悬臂 mast arm

灯具支架 lamp bracket ; LFSG


luminaire 灯具

ordinary luminaire 普通灯具

adjustable luminaire 可调式灯具

general purpose luminaire 通用灯具

basic luminaire 基本灯具

combination luminaire 组合灯具

fixed luminaire 固定式灯具

portable luminaire 可移式灯具

recessed luminaire 嵌入式灯具
